Web Design

Creating a Health Coach Website in 8 Steps

Hi there business owner! If you are reading this article you are probably looking to create a health coach website for your business. Congratulations on this huge step in your business! And don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be scary and overwhelming.

Having a professional website is essential for booking clients and providing information about your services to your clients. It’s important to have a professional online presence so that you can attract the right audience and become the best choice for your clients. I’ll help you get there!

We are going to talk about the 8 steps to creating a health coach website so that you can reach more clients, establish credibility, and provide helpful resources.

Step 1: Define Your Health Coach Website Goals and Audience

Before we get into the fun part of designing and building out your website, we need to define a few things. So grab a journal or open a new google doc because we are going to brainstorm the foundation of your website. Jot these questions down to work through in your journal or notes page.

Health Coach Website Questionnaire

  1. Who is my target audience? (demographics, interests, age, income level)
  2. What is the goal for my website? (booking clients, scheduling calls, hosting courses, blogging)
  3. How will my website help achieve these goals? (CTA’s, course integration, Calendly integration)
  4. How can my website provide value to my target audience?
  5. Do I have the technical skills and time to build and maintain the website? Will I need to hire professionals?

Step 2: Choose a Website Platform

There are a lot of different website platforms to choose from and it can feel kind of overwhelming. I know that’s how I felt when I was deciding my platform. Let’s break down some of the popular ones:


Squarespace is a popular website building platform known for its elegant design templates and ease of use. It has built-in e-commerce capabilities, blogging features, and seamless integration with various third-party services. Squarespace also has built-in SEO tools help improve your online visibility.

I used Squarespace for a couple years before moving to Showit. The downside to Squarespace is that you may need a lot of code in order to customize your website. (I had over 600 lines of code!) I found that the platform lacked creativity and customization which was very important to me.


Wix is a website builder that is great for beginners to advanced designers. It features a drag-and-drop editor, allowing users to create custom websites without any coding. Wix offers design templates, tools for e-commerce, booking, social media integration, and more. The platform also provides advanced SEO tools, mobile optimization, and secure hosting, making it a great option for anyone looking to build a professional online presence.


Showit is a unique website builder designed primarily for creative professionals, such as photographers, designers and creative coaches. It offers design flexibility with a true drag-and-drop interface, enabling users to create completely custom and visually stunning websites without any coding. Showit integrates seamlessly with WordPress for blogging. Showit is perfect for those who prioritize design and creativity in their online presence and want a website that truly reflects their brand’s uniqueness.

What I love about Showit is that I can design a mobile version of my website that truly looks just as good as the desktop version. This is so important because the majority of website visitors use their mobile phone!

The downside to Showit is that it is not built for e-commerce websites that have a lot of products. That being said, it still integrates with Shopify. If you have a few products that you want to sell, it’s totally doable to set up your shop with Showit.

Get your first month of Showit FREE!

Step 3: Purchase Your Website Domain

What is a domain? This what people type in Google to find your website. (www.yourwebsitename.com)

You will need a domain for your website and this can be purchased on a site like GoDaddy.com or Squarespace Domains.

As far as hosting goes, if you choose to use a site like Showit, Wix or Squarespace, your site will be hosted on their platform. Easy peasy!

how to create a health coach website

Step 4: Plan Your Health Coach Website

Grab your journal back out again because we are going to map out your website now!

Start planning what type of pages you want to include on your website. Here are some options to get your brain thinking:

  • Sales Page
  • About
  • Services (nutrition services, coaching services, classes, courses)
  • Blog
  • Contact (inquiry form, Calendly)
  • Home

A couple things to keep in mind, the more pages you have, the more overwhelming it may feel for your potential clients. The key is to create a simple and user-friendly website that guides your clients through your site.

Need inspiration? Here’s a nutrition coach website design that I designed! It’s simple and straightforward yet super fun and quirky.

5. Design Your Health Coach Website

Pat yourself on the back! You have done a lot of hard work and planning up to this point. It’s now time to dive into the design!

Tip: Gather all your assets (photos, fonts, colors, graphics) in one folder. This will make it a lot easier when it comes to uploading and building your website.

There’s a couple options to choose from. Custom design or template design. Both are great options and it ultimately just depends what you feel most comfortable with.

Using a template can be simple and beautiful because all you have to do is plug in your photos and copy. If designing a custom website feels overwhelming to you, this is a great option that will result in a professional-like design.

However, there are quite a few benefits to investing in custom website design:

  • A custom website is designed specifically to reflect your brand’s unique brand, ensuring consistency in colors, fonts, and overall design style.
  • Custom design allows you to create a distinctive look that sets your website apart from competitors, making a memorable impression on your potential clients.
  • Reduces the need for frequent redesigns. Because a custom website is built to your specific needs, it is less likely to require frequent redesigns or overhauls, saving you money in the long run.
  • Designing a website can be time consuming and overwhelming, especially if you are already juggling a lot on your plate in your business and personal life. Investing in professional design can feel like a weight has been lifted!

Whichever option you decide, is great. And remember, whenever you are ready to rebrand or update your website, you can always outsource and work with a professional.

Website Design Best Practices

  1. Choose a clean and professional design template
  2. Customize the template to match your brand (colors, fonts, images)
  3. Pay attention to your mobile version. Make sure your mobile version looks just as good as your desktop so that you don’t scare any potential clients away.
  4. Ensure your website is fully responsive, meaning it works well on all devices (desktops, tablets, and smartphones).
  5. Use size, color, and placement to highlight the most important elements and guide users through your content.
  6. Maintain a consistent style across all pages, including fonts, colors, and button styles, to create a cohesive experience.
  7. Compress your images for faster website loading times
  8. Follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to make your site accessible to people with disabilities.
  9. Ensure your site can be navigated using a keyboard, and include ARIA labels for screen readers.
  10. Use consistent CTAs and make them visually stand out to encourage user interaction.
  11. Use relevant keywords in your content, titles, and meta descriptions to improve search engine rankings. We love SEO!
  12. Utilize white space effectively to prevent clutter and improve readability.
health coach on a video call

6. Add Health Coach Features and Integrations

We’ve talked about how your website’s goals might be for booking calls, growing your email list, or getting sign-ups. Now, it’s time to set up those important features and integrations!

  • Scheduling and Appointment Booking Tools (Calendly, Acuity, etc.)
  • Email marketing integrations (MailChimp, ConvertKit, Flodesk, etc.)
  • Social media integration (Instagram, Pinterest, etc.)
  • Fitness Programs, Courses, and Classes (Kajabi, Youtube, Trainerize)

Most of the time, this can be set up by adding in links or embedding code.

7. Optimize for SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is so important! It’s what helps get your site in front of your potential customers. Effective SEO helps increase your website’s ranking, driving more visitors and potential customers to your site.

SEO Tips

To rank higher in Google searches, you need to optimize your individual web pages.

  • Use targeted keywords naturally within your content
  • Write accurate meta descriptions that summarize your page content and encourage clicks
  • Organize your content with clear headers (H1, H2, etc.) to improve readability
  • Adding alt text to images not only helps search engines understand the content of your visuals but also improves accessibility for users with disabilities

Regularly Update Content and Add New Blog Posts

Regularly updating content and adding new blog posts can help keep your website fresh. Updated content tells the search engines that your site is active and relevant, which can boost your SEO rankings! By consistently publishing new content, you can talk about current topics, answer new questions, and continually attract both new and returning visitors.

8. Test and Launch Your Website!

You’re almost there!

Testing your website on different devices and browsers is important to ensure an enjoyable user experience for all visitors. Different devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops, as well as various browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, can display and interact with websites differently. By checking your site across these platforms, you can identify and fix any issues related to layout and performance and broken links.

Test Checklist

  1. Start by checking for broken links.
  2. Make sure you have a fast loading speed by compressing images and minimizing code, because slow pages can send potential customers away.
  3. Make sure all forms, buttons, and interactive elements, work as intended.
  4. Test for responsive design to on mobile and tablet.

Launch your Health Coach Website!

Announcing your new website is exciting and deserves celebration! Here are a couple of options to announce your website to the world:

  • Use an email newsletter to tell your audience about the launch, highlighting new features and inviting them to explore the site.
  • Use social media platforms to create buzz, using graphic posts, stories, and teasers to attract attention. This is what I love to do for my clients and it’s a big hit!

Are you ready to start booking clients?

Now that you have a clear understanding of the 8 steps involved, it’s time to take action and start building your health coach website! Remember, a professional and engaging online presence can significantly increase your ability to attract and serve your clients. Don’t let the process overwhelm you—follow these 8 steps and tackle them one at a time. The sooner you start, the sooner you can begin receiving the benefits from your website!

Still Feeling Overwhelmed?

If you need professional help and guidance along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. Investing in the right expertise can save you time and ensure your website meets your goals. (and that you love it!)

Feel free to contact me for personalized support and to get started on your custom health coach website design!

Take a quick look at your current branding and website (if you have one) and talk about what’s working and what’s not

Talk about your business goals and how we can achieve them through strategic design

Identify the next steps for you to take to reach your goals ASAP!

In this 1:1 call we will:

i'm ready!

If you are ready to take the next step in your business, I want to invite you to schedule a FREE clarity call with me.