Web Design, Yoga

How to Create a Yoga Website: 6 Expert Tips

As a yoga teacher, it is important to develop a strong online presence and to have a professional yoga website. This not only helps in expanding your yoga community but also in filling up your classes! Building a professional yoga website is an exciting step toward sharing your practice with a wider audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to make a custom yoga website that will build credibility and help you become a profitable yoga teacher!

yoga teacher designing a professional website

Choosing the Right Platform

When selecting a platform for your website, think about what you will be using it for. Do you plan to start a blog? an online shop? Do you want to feel empowered to maintain your site and change photos as you need?

Identifying the purpose of your website will help you know which platform is best for your business. Showit is a popular website platform that allows you to design without limitations. It allows you to create a website that helps you stand out and be unique!

To include your Mindbody schedule and yoga workshops on your website, you can easily add a button or link that will take you to your scheduling platform. If you need a blog, Showit seamlessly integrates with WordPress.

If you plan to open up a merchandise store, Showit may not be the move and Shopify might be the better option for your needs. Showit integrates with Shopify but it is better suited for a small amount of products and not a whole e-commerce store.

2. Align Your Yoga Website with Your Branding

Once you’ve established your branding, you will want to stay consistent on your website. This creates a professional image and helps build trust with your audience. Need to go back and learn about how to brand yourself as a yoga teacher? Read my blog post here!


DESIGN TIP: Ensure that colors, fonts, and imagery reflect the calming atmosphere you bring to your yoga sessions. Consistency across your website reinforces your brand identity and leaves a lasting impression on visitors. When in doubt, keep it simple!

3. Hire a Yoga Website Designer for Stress-Free & Professional Results

Creating a custom yoga website is an exciting next step in building a profitable yoga business but let’s acknowledge that the technical aspects of web design can sometimes feel overwhelming. This is where the expertise of a professional web designer becomes not just an option but a valuable investment in the success of your online presence.

If the idea of designing a website has you stressed out because you don’t even know where to begin, consider hiring a professional web designer that specializes in yoga teachers. Their expertise can bring your vision to life, eliminating stress and ensuring a polished and cohesive design. A yoga website designer will handle the technical details so that you don’t have to worry.

From optimizing your mobile site to strategically using keywords for your SEO, entrusting these tasks to a professional allows you to focus on what you do best – guiding students through their yoga journey. The relief from technical stress provides you with the freedom to channel your energy into creating transformative yoga experiences while we build your profitable yoga website.

Need professional help with your website? Schedule a complimentary 15 min. clarity call with me today!

4. Start a Yoga Blog

One of the best ways to get found online is through a blogging! Just think about the last thing you searched on Google, what probably popped up first was a blog post! The benefit of blogging is that your posts will boost your website’s visibility and connect with your audience by educating them on topics that they are interested in.

To start a yoga blog, share valuable content, insights, and tips related to your yoga niche. What I love about Squarespace is that it simplifies blog integration, making it easy to enhance your website’s SEO and position yourself as a knowledgeable and approachable yoga teacher. (I am a little biased though because I use Squarespace for my website and I love it!)

5. Grow Your Yoga Community with a Newsletter

If you are a business owner, a newsletter is an essential marketing tool that helps nurture your audience. Here are a few tips on how to create a yoga newsletter:

  • Consider offering a freebie to help grow your email list.
  • Use ConvertKit (free for the first 1k subscribers or Flodesk as your email platform
  • Add in your freebie as a pop-up or a email sign up section in the footer on your website

Not sure what you need to write in your emails? You could keep your audience informed about upcoming classes, workshops, or provide insightful yoga content. A newsletter is more than just a communication tool; it’s an opportunity to foster a genuine sense of connection. Share personal stories, celebrate milestones, and express gratitude.

6. Showcase Your Yoga Classes and Workshops

Your yoga website is the perfect place to put your classes on display and book out your classes! Start by creating a dedicated section on your website specifically for classes and workshops. This could be a separate page or a section within your main navigation menu. The goal is to make it easy for visitors to find information about your offerings and book right on your website!

BONUS WEBSITE TIP: Think about the customer journey of your audience and guide them through your website from the first touchpoint to the last. Identify what you you want your audience to do.

Whether that is to book a class or get a freebie, identify your CTA (call to action) and make that known on your website. You can do this by creating a button on your website.

Need website inspiration? Check out a beautiful yoga website design here!

Take a quick look at your current branding and website (if you have one) and talk about what’s working and what’s not

Talk about your business goals and how we can achieve them through strategic design

Identify the next steps for you to take to reach your goals ASAP!

In this 1:1 call we will:

i'm ready!

If you are ready to take the next step in your business, I want to invite you to schedule a FREE clarity call with me.